Friday, March 28, 2014

ARTICLE - Putting a Face on Radical Environmentalism

Please, please, please read the article linked below! It's absolutely sickening. Thank you to Ron Ewart for writing Putting a Face on Radical Environmentalism.

This is what we are all facing. This is what is happening all over this country, all over the world.    This is what the radical, globalist-funded, anti-humanist environmental extremists are trying to bring about with their aggressive stance against the likes of small logging and mining operations, under the guise of restoring fish habitat and saving trees. The agenda is not hidden. It has a name - Agenda 21.

This affects us all. Every single human being who inhabits this earth will be touched by this. Please don't be fooled into thinking that this does not affect you if you are not a miner, or a logger, or a farmer.

Lest we forget, consider this quote from Nazi concentration camp survivor, Pastor Martin Niemöller -
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out...because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out...because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out...because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me...and there was no one left to speak for me.
Here's the article link. Please read it -
- KS Wild Truth.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

White Castle Timber Sale Protest Abandoned, Enviros Trash Forest!

The site of the White Castle Timber Sale protest, where a group of (I've been told,) PAID PROTESTORS have been camped out since June 2013, has been abandoned. HUMAN WASTE, rotting food, other garbage, tarps and wooden platforms were dumped at the site. 

Douglas County Sheriff's Deputies had to remove four pick-up loads of abandoned, festering garbage and SHIT, literally, from the beautiful forest land.

Here's the news story from today's The Oregonian newspaper, by Kimberly A.C. Wilson -

They were there for many months making a nuisance of themselves, stopping decent folks making a living and feeding their families, as usual. And yet again, these good-for-nothings have cost YOU, the Tax Payer, money. Another waste of police time and public resources.  But what's new?

Why haven't these parasites been cited for ILLEGAL OCCUPATION?  They were there more than 14 days, which means they should be cited.  They have miners LEGALLY occupying their claims ARRESTED for NOTHING!  This is not OK. 

Why are they not being charged with LITTERING?  Care about the forests, do they? Yeah, right.  We know which organizations officially protested the Timber Sale and their contact details are being forwarded to the police as we speak.

Another question - why did the Eco-Sloths (well, they live in trees and do nothing all day, don't they?)  just up and leave? Not give a rat's about the forest anymore? Fickle, much?  Or was there another reason they were called off the protest site so suddenly? 

The plot thickens! 

Inquiring minds wanna know!

- KS Wild Truth.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

KS Wild, False Police Reports & Wasting Tax Payer Money...AGAIN.

You may have noticed the local chapter of Panty Waists R Us (AKA KS Wild) launching a defamatory campaign (for which they're being sued) against the entire mining community of the Rogue Valley.

KS Wild claim they are being 'threatened' by local miners. If you can't tell the difference between somebody who is mad at you talking smack, and an actual threat, you are a lack-brain. Period. It is abundantly clear that NOBODY was making an actual threat over at the forum, which they troll incessantly. (Ed. Get a life!) Anybody can see that the miners were just pissed and mouthing off. Who doesn't? Nobody said anything that sounded remotely like a real threat. I am glad nobody overhears most of what I say in a day. But then again, most people around me know that no matter what comes out of my mouth, I won't be doing it. They have discernment. Oh, and a brain. And nothing to hide. And no need for a giant smokescreen to obscure the truth about themselves behind.

That's what it was  – a smokescreen. KS Wild  probably figured if they got their fake story out there in the media, in the papers, online, on the TV, and, of course, their pathetic little petition, then they would be the ones who were believed and we would just disappear and let them go on their merry way.  But it doesn't  work like that, guys. Not when we have 100% verifiable information about your organization.

We make no false statements.

We do not lie.

We don't have to.

The truth  about you is horrific enough.

But, alas, because of a certain poster campaign outing KS Wild for what they really are – Big Pharma, Big Oil, GMO biotech blood money-sucking vampires – the story has changed and they've dropped all mention of the posters. They figured once they'd sent the police to the door of the poster maker they thought it would intimidate them and shut them up. I heard about their bully-boy tactics and went right to my computer, did some research, and came up with the Bhopal connection. Then I made my first poster.

See, they said the initial threat was in the form of a wanted poster. Now, there were two posters (which I did NOT make,) that featured George Sexton and Joseph Vaile, but nowhere did they say the the word wanted on them. All of a sudden, a couple of posters stating a few simple facts about where KS Wild's funding comes from suddenly became – GASP! – a death-threatening Wanted poster saying the miners are gonna kill the little family and the puppies! Oh, noes!

Didn't happen.

Doesn't exist.

They made it up.

They tried to run a Psy-Op by LYING to YOU to garner your sympathy and put out their meme that miners are bad.

And by the way Georgie and Joey –  you're really, really, really NOT wanted around here. Seriously.

So, KS Wild, several times over the last few weeks have gone running to the various law enforcement agencies wailing about death threats, threats of violence against 'employees' and generally making a complete nuisance of themselves. They are now being 'protected' by the local police (Ashland City) where their office is, who are laying on EXTRA PATROLS for KS Wild, to keep them safe from all the Big Bad Miners with their flaming torches and pitchforks. What a worthy use of TAX PAYER DOLLARS.

And filing a false police report is a crime, by the way.

You, the people, work for your pay check, doing an actual real job every day. Not like these guys who feed at the corporate trough under the veil of foundation grants and spend the majority of their yearly income on 'salaries and other wages.'

Check out the figures on this IRS 990 form.

Nice work, if you can get it. I wonder how it feels to make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, at the same time you're destroying lives and families and whole communities? I guess it doesn't really phase them if you don't have gills. They're as cold blooded as the damned salmon they're always babbling about.

Note to KS Wild – Cease wasting police time and tax payer money by filing false police reports, please. Oh, and stop telling lies too. Thanks.

- KS Wild Truth.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Oh, the Irony - KS Wild Attend Conference Showing Bhopal Gas Disaster Documentary

My mouth fell open when I came across this. I wasn't even looking for anything connected to Bhopal - the page came up in response to a general KS Wild query. I almost missed it. I couldn't even believe my eyes. I was simply stunned.

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Staff from KS Wild were actually in attendance at this event, the 2005 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, the largest environmentalist gathering in the world (according to the brochure,) promoting a film produced for them. Do you think the KS Wild delegation sat through the showing of  Litigating Disaster, a documentary about the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, perpetrated by Union Carbide? Union Carbide are a company who KS WILD receive funding from, via The Mead Foundation, which was set up by a co-founder of the company with his Union Carbide fortune?

I wonder how the film makers would have felt if they knew they were breathing the same air as people who suckle at the Union Carbide corporate tit. Did the KS Wild mob squirm in their seats with red faces, thinking everybody was looking at them? Did they flinch when they saw the corpses of babies and little children who died gasping for air, their lungs burning inside their bodies? Did they know then, or now, where the money comes from to pay their own mortgages and feed their own kids? Or maybe they were some of those unpaid interns KS WILD likes to use, (like this, for example,) who probably actually believe what they're doing is helping the planet, and not just the coffers of a Sue and Settle-addicted corporation.  All those millions that filter through the KS Wild corporation and they don't even pay their underlings.


That's cold.

- KS Wild Truth.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

KS Wild & the Logging Money Connection - The Ralph L. Smith Foundation

* * * UPDATE * * * : 8/03/2015 - Image of one of KS Wild's grants from a Timber Baron's foundation. Updated to show this evidence as the previous link to proof is broken. Website went to paid subscription to access most of their info.  Scroll down to KS Wild's Tree Killer Money.

Foundation Name :
The Ralph L. Smith Foundation

Related Industries :
Timber, Logging

Relevant Info :
Founder sold his Logging and Timber Mills businesses to Paper Products conglomerate Kimberly-Clark.

Foundation no longer directly disburses funding, but has many satellite organizations to which it donates investment portfolio profits to award as grants.

KS Wild, our friendly, local environmental extremists have received grants from the Ralph L Smith Foundation, which was founded by a logging and timber baron in 1952. He sold his company to Kimberly-Clark, the Paper Products conglomerate, and formed the foundation which bears his name. According to their own website, Kimberly-Clark's Paper Products, like tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, incontinence pads, etc., are used by a quarter of the world's population every day. That's a LOT of tree murder! Not terribly eco-minded or tree-hugger-friendly, no matter how dedicated they are to 'sustainability,' is it?

Here's a direct link to Fall 2005 KS Wild News -
NOTE : THIS LINK [BELOW] IS NOW BROKEN. This site has gone to PAID SUBSCRIPTION to see most of the info now.  See another piece of proof below for their affiliation.

Here's a link to the website which shows just one of the grants received by KS Wild (under their 501(c)(3) IRS-registered business name is Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center) -

KS Wild's Tree Killer Money - [Link to original PDF]

KS Wild's Tree Killer Grant

The current Kimberly-Clark Board of Directors is a conglomerate smorgasbord, with past or present board members of Pepsico, Coco-Cola, Pfizer, Kellogg and JP Morgan, to name a few.
Kimberly-Clark Index Page -

Board of Directors -

Again, we're not passing judgment on any foundation, any family or any company, but we think that everybody should be aware of where the crazy cash amounts these self-described Guardians of the Environment like KS Wild get their funding from, especially if you actually donate to them yourself. You should also know that they receive hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in grant funding, although they publicly claim to be 'a small' organization. They don't come under my personal definition of 'small.' The Ralph L. Smith Foundation is one of those funding sources, an organization founded on the corporate profits of the logging industry, the main industry KS Wild seem determined to destroy, or at least for the little guy.
Here's a link to just one of their 990 IRS forms - you can see how much money KS Wild take in - not that there's anything wrong with that in itself - but they are not a 'small' organization, as they like to portray, when in an ordinary year get you a cool HALF A MILLION dollars in foundation grants and donations -
Wow!  That's a dollar for every man, woman, child and baby, killed, maimed or sickened by the Bhopal Gas Disaster, perpetrated by Union Carbide, another corporation KS Wild receive grant money from, via The Mead Foundation, set up by Union Carbide's founder, Giles W. Mead. The foundation's investment portfolio also includes the likes of Big Oil, Big Pharma, Mining companies, and Monsanto.

No, really.

The sad, tragic, and ironic thing about this – if they are just innocent dupes that don't know who they are doing the bidding of [but I think not,] – is that they will never stop the logging industry. All they will achieve is the eradication of the Mom & Pop type logging outfit, the small, local employers.

What do these environmentalists like KS Wild think is going to happen when they have annihilated every last small, sustainable logging company, the one guy with a self-loader, the wife and husband team who run a crew of two or three guys and cut only seasonally?

I'll tell you what will happen, the Big Boys will move in - the conglomerates, the multi-nationals, the global corporations – and we can all kiss our beautiful, precious forests goodbye, forever. Oregon will become a giant clear-cut wasteland once all the little guys are gone and there's nobody left to lay claim to the timber because they've been legislated into oblivion. Because you know what corporate cash can buy, don't you? Everyone. Everything. And KS Wild.

- KS Wild Truth Team


Monday, March 10, 2014

KS Wild & the Bhopal Connection - Follow the (Blood) Money

It's hard for me to even write about this. I remember watching this disaster unfold on TV when I was very young. I can still recall the horror I felt watching all those people in the midst of their abject suffering. The Bhopal Tragedy has become known as the Worst Industrial Disaster in history.

Date : 2nd December, 1984.

Location : Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh State, India.

Due to an exothermic reaction, the local chemical plant owned by the Union Carbide Company exploded and released approximately 30 metric tons of methyl isocyanate gas (MIC), into the atmosphere. Within just two weeks, 8,000 men, women and children were dead. A further 8,000 have died of their injuries and illnesses since that time. Of course, flora and fauna in the area fell victim to the gas also. 2,000 animal corpses were collected. In the space of just days, all the trees in the area were barren. The air was polluted. The soil was toxic.  The water was poisoned.

In a 2006 sworn affidavit by the local government of Madhya Pradesh, they stated that the Bhopal Gas Tragedy has caused 558,125 injuries.

The water table and the soil are still contaminated in Bhopal. The people still eat food grown in the soil. They still drink and bathe in the water. Which is why THIS happens. [WARNING! Harrowing image of dead babies, deformed as a result of the Bhopal Disaster.]

Gallery of BHOPAL DISASTER PICTURES by Indian Photographer, Raghu Rai. [WARNING!  Disturbing images from the ongoing tragedy of the Bhopal Disaster.]

Would you take money from the corporation responsible for this?

I wouldn't either.

But KS Wild did.

Yes, a high and mighty bunch of self-righteous Enviro-Vangelists who preach endlessly to the rest of us about clean water and not polluting the planet, stuck their hand out and took blood money in the form of a grant from the Mead Foundation. The Mead Foundation was founded by Union Carbide co-founder, Giles W Mead. You can see confirmation of the grant details here –

Link to 990 Tax Form -
Further, The Mead Foundation has an investment portfolio that includes Big Oil, tobacco, Big Pharma, and mining companies. Oh, and Monsanto is in there too? In my opinion, Monsanto are the most evil, destructive threat to mankind on the planet.

I'm not anti-corporation. I fully support a capitalist society. I'm neither a Looney Leftie or a Right-Wing Wing-Nut. I don't even think that The Mead Foundation is run by bad people, or that their founder was anything but a kind human being – I know of nothing to suggest otherwise. I'm passing absolutely no judgment on the Mead family or their foundation, and I know that they support some incredibly worthy causes. This is not even about The Mead Foundation. I'm just reporting FACTS, and the hypocrisy of KS Wild. Nothing more.

To recap the FACTS -

Fact 1 – Union Carbide owned the plant that exploded causing 500,000+ deaths, injuries and illnesses.

Fact 2 – The soil and water table in Bhopal are still contaminated.

Fact 3 – The Mead Foundation was founded by Giles W. Mead, co-founder of Union Carbide & Carbon Company.

Fact 4 – KS Wild received a $20,000 grant from the Mead Foundation in 2007.

Fact 5 – The Mead Foundation's investment portfolio includes Monsanto, and mining, tobacco, oil    and pharmaceutical companies.

Fact 6 – KS Wild benefits financially from industries it claims to despise, like mining, fossil fuels, and the genetic modification of our food and seeds.

- KS Wild Truth.

Who Are KS Wild?

K-S Wild (the name they do business under,) are officially the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt conservation organization.

They are an extremist environmental group which covers the Klamath-Siskiyou region, which is a beautiful and wild area that stretches from southern Oregon into northern California. Their main interests seem to be fish and owls and taking people's water rights. (Watch out if you're a fisherman, a farmer, or a vintner – you may next on the list!)

They make their money (and it's a LOT of money!) each year by holding their begging bowl out to the general public for private donations, memberships, foundation grants and constant litigation. Their net assets for the year end (2011) were in excess of $250,000. (See PDF link below)

And watch out for the Executive Director position coming up for grabs! They get a cool $44,000 a year for a 40 hour week (as stated in the organization's 2011 IRS 990 form, available to view here -

In 2007, KS Wild blocked 75 timber sales in south-west Oregon costing numerous jobs in the region. And stay tuned while we work on what all this is costing YOU - we're going to bring you an actual dollar amount of tax payer money that has to be spent on court cases by the various agencies KS Wild file lawsuits against, and the dollar amounts of the settlements KS Wild receive from their sue-happy lifestyles.
And just a note about this blog - you will NEVER hear one word of a lie here. We deal in facts. There is no need for miss-information or distortion - the truth is horrific enough.

- KS Wild Truth.