The site of the White Castle Timber Sale protest, where a group of (I've been told,) PAID PROTESTORS have been camped out since June 2013, has been abandoned. HUMAN WASTE, rotting food, other garbage, tarps and wooden platforms were dumped at the site.
Douglas County Sheriff's Deputies had to remove four pick-up loads of abandoned, festering garbage and SHIT, literally, from the beautiful forest land.
Here's the news story from today's The Oregonian newspaper, by Kimberly A.C. Wilson -
They were there for many months making a nuisance of themselves, stopping decent folks making a living and feeding their families, as usual. And yet again, these good-for-nothings have cost YOU, the Tax Payer, money. Another waste of police time and public resources. But what's new?
Why haven't these parasites been cited for ILLEGAL OCCUPATION? They were there more than 14 days, which means they should be cited. They have miners LEGALLY occupying their claims ARRESTED for NOTHING! This is not OK.
Why are they not being charged with LITTERING? Care about the forests, do they? Yeah, right. We know which organizations officially protested the Timber Sale and their contact details are being forwarded to the police as we speak.
Another question - why did the Eco-Sloths (well, they live in trees and do nothing all day, don't they?) just up and leave? Not give a rat's about the forest anymore? Fickle, much? Or was there another reason they were called off the protest site so suddenly?
The plot thickens!
Inquiring minds wanna know!
- KS Wild Truth.
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