Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Donald Rubenstein – A Walking Conflict of Interest

Yesterday, Donald Rubenstein, Jackson County Hearings Officer ruled against Mountain View Paving, denying them a land-use permit for their Talent asphalt plant, shutting down the business under threat of hefty fines.

Rubenstein's ruling was based on supposed increased site activity and risk of fire. He also ruled that the business was not grandfathered-in, due to a non-conforming use differing from the business run previously at the site - a concrete plant. The campaign against the business was spear-headed by Steve Rouse, President of Rogue Advocates, a local 'advocacy' group.  Also, residents of a near by trailer park complained of the increased traffic and noise during summer months.  Job creation is just a nuisance to some, apparently.

Question - who puts an old folks trailer park on a highway next to an industrial plant which has been in operation for many years? The previous business was grandfathered-in, obviously pre-dating the zoning regulation. 

Once again, this is a case, just like the Fielder Dam Removal scandal, where Donald Rubenstein's personal life and ideologies are getting in the way of justice for citizens and businesses of our region. Another glaring conflict of interest involving Mr. Rubenstein has reared it's ubiquitous head.

Pepper Trail, a local radical enviro is a board member of Rogue Advocates. He is deeply involved with Rubenstein's pet project that nets millions of dollars each year, the Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. Trail is a member of SOLC, a donor to SOLC, and a speaker/presenter at SOLC events. This is clearly another conflict of interest, something Rubenstein excels at.   (Below are just a few instances as an example.)
Pepper Trail, Rogue Advocates Board Member
Pepper Trail, speaker at SOLC event.
SOLC Newsletter, Fall, 2009

Pepper Trail, Contributor to SOLC
SOLC 2008 Annual Report
Pepper Trail, Member of SOLC
SOLC 2008 Annual Report

When is Donald Rubenstein going to be removed from his unelected office? When is this man going to be brought to task for his conflicts of interest? When is Jackson County going to cease allowing the Southern Oregon extremist environmental contingent to run the county, destroy our businesses and jobs, and usurp our private property rights?

Donald Rubenstein's roots in the radical environmental movement all along the west coast run deep and wide. He is a life-long enviro. He is a founder of several environmental groups. He is steeped in agenda. His decisions are not impartial. He is not forthcoming with adequate disclosures regarding his relationships with the people who are attempting to destroy our jobs and our private property rights.

Jackson County has become a joke. An unfunny, offensive joke. The level of Boss Hog corruption is legendary, and frankly, incredibly sad.

Rubenstein must go. He is not fit to sit in judgment over us and does not possess an impartial eye. This abuse of office to further his radical enviro agenda must end.

Permit for Talent Paving Plant Denied by Tony Boom (Mail Tribune, 29th September, 2015)

Rogue Advocates Website – Board Members

SOLC 2008 Annual Report

SOLC 2014 Annual Report

SOLC Fall 2009 Newsletter

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hey, Enviros, How You Doing?

Hey, Enviros, how you doing?

Oh, wait – I guess you can't answer that, can you?

I mean, there's no way you can be reading this, since you don't own a computer or a smartphone, because they are made with rare earth minerals and you're rabidly anti-mining, right?
And I guess you don't actually have a house you could put that computer in either, since you're so radically anti-logging and most houses are built with timber, right?

And I'm sure you would never sully your green little organic cotton-clad derriere by sitting it in something as crass as a motor vehicle, because they're made from the spoils of the M word, just like most other things that are not grown, right?

And I know there's no way you could be reading this, since, in actual fact, you are a real, true, EnvironMENTAList running around completely naked in the woods, foraging for roots and berries, right?

You're not?


You're sitting in your SUV checking your email on your smartphone to see if the organization founded by a LUMBER MAGNATE approved your application for a $100,000 grant, so you can degrade more property rights and terrorize more innocent old ladies, pollute some more rivers, and sue the piss out of the federal government some more?

Well, you're just a great big phony-ass, money-grabbing, land-stealing, anti-humanist, Agenda 21-pushing, hypocrite then, aren't you?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Image Credits :
Hypocrisy Definition Graphic -

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fish, Not Gold? I'd Rather Have Gold, Not Fish or Felons!

Washington State Rep. Gael Tarleton must have an incredibly firmly entrenched radical environmental agenda. So much so, she doesn't even care that the inspiration behind her anti-mining bill is a convicted felon, a thief, and a fraudster.

Former Attorney Kim McDonald Arrested – 7 Counts of Bank Fraud, 4 Counts Mail Fraud

HB 2579, the Give Fish a Chance Act (no, really,) is an anti-mining bill that would restrict a federally-protected and congressionally-granted right, supposedly in order to protect endangered species of fish.

Tarleton pimped out Dr. Fraudster's blog post about her scary encounter with – GASP! - a miner! Eeeekkk! You can read the excruciating blog post if you despise your eyes enough –

And see Tarleton drooling over it, if you need to purge –

Kim McDonald is a disbarred attorney, convicted felon (mail fraud / bank fraud) and is the founder of Fish, Not Gold (She is NOT to be confused with Washington attorney Kimberly A McDonald.) McDonald raided the accounts of clients whose Trust Funds she administrated. Her client list included basketball legend Chuck Randall.

As a hate-monger toward miners, McDonald regurgitates the same tired old manipulated study that falsely shows digging a hole in the stream bed kills fish, when in actual fact, dredging removes tons of fishing weights made from lead, naturally-occurring mercury, and other junk and pollutants harmful to the fish. And Enviros suck up millions of dollars each year in order to 'restore' salmon habitat – by digging a hole in the stream bed. Same thing miners do – for free! They're pretty smart those soy-eating, sandal-wearing, yogurt knitters, aren't they?

Is this how far down our politicians need to sink to find justification for their ideologies and policies – using a dirty lawyer who stole her clients money, then copped a psyche to try and get out of it, Girl, Interrupted style? Really? What an absolute disgrace to her office and her party Gael Tarleton is. For shame, Mrs. Tarleton. For shame.

Unfortunately, the powers that be are fully on board with the Phony Green Agenda, and are taking our rights, our property and our freedom from all of us, one Endangered Species scam at a time.

Oh, and Kimmy – I know you're notorious for threatening people who try to expose you, with law suits and all sorts of legal shenanigans, but, sweetie, you can't sue somebody for libel or defamation WHEN THEY'RE TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU! But go ahead, and make a bigger disgrace of yourself than you already are. Go ahead and discredit yourself even further. If you live in a glass house, you should stay away from stones. We have no problem repeating all this in court.

SOURCES – (Some interesting reading on the criminal - well worth a look to learn about the case and the extent of what she did, and other related links for your perusal.)

Ex-Attorney Sentenced for Thefts

Shelterwood Consulting – Dr. Fraud's 'Consulting' Business
In case you're in the market for a convicted felon, thief, and disbarred attorney to do some Eco-Pirate advocacy for you, here's the jail-bird's 'consulting' website.

Former Attorney Kimberlee Ann McDonald Arrested (September 1st, 1993)
She was charged with defrauding Rainier National Bank, Security Pacific Bank, Seafirst Bank, Washington Mutual Savings Bank and Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan.”

McDonald, 38, is accused of manipulating accounts at the banks by writing worthless checks totaling $170,000, drawn against various trust accounts she maintained. She would then deposit the checks to other accounts or use the money for partial payment of a loan, according to prosecutors. She also is accused of inappropriately using $220,000 entrusted to her by her clients.”

Ex-Attorney Sentenced for Thefts (March 15th, 1998)
But the judge cited mitigating circumstances – testimony during the trial that McDonald suffered from a mental impairment – as one reason for not imposing an exceptional sentence.”

State v. McDonald (May 15th 2000)
At the conclusion of a bench trial, the court found her guilty, as charged, and imposed a sentence of 14 months in prison for two of the counts and 22 months for the remaining four counts. The sentences are to be served concurrently.”

Puzzling Justice (October 9th, 2006)
Does Kimberlee McDonald's case reveal prosecutors bent on revenge or a con artist working the system?

She brought this on herself,” Peterson says of McDonald, and he stresses that there were real victims who suffered real financial hardships as a result of her actions. Moreover, he reveals what McDonald does not: While she paid restitution to the defrauded bank as a result of the federal case, most of her victimized clients received nothing.”

So who is McDonald really—a reformed sinner or a scam artist?”

My Impossible Dream : The Story of Chuck Randall (January 28th, 2008)
She was sentenced to jail. Now, every three months or so, I get a check for about fifteen dollars. Whoopee!”

Rep. Gael Tarleton's Washington House Democrats Blog

Gael Tarleton's HB 2579 – The Give Fish a Chance Act

Monday, August 31, 2015

Donald Rubenstein : Portrait of an Enviro

[This post is lengthy but it is necessarily so. It is loaded with evidence that proves our claims. All information included in this article was procured either by internet search or FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request. All information and images are either freely available online or are part of Public Record. Images and extracts that may be subject to copyright are displayed here under FAIR USE. Please click on the images to enlarge.]

You may not know the name Donald Rubenstein as yet. But you will. Mr. Rubenstein is going to be the subject of much debate over the coming weeks. His name will probably be appearing on local media outlets.

Donald Rubenstein is the Hearings Officer for Jackson County, an unelected official who sits in judgment of residents and citizens of the county, subverting due process, since it is not a court of law and Mr. Rubenstein has sworn no oath to uphold the Constitution. Much of what Mr. Rubenstein does is make decisions on Land Use applications, like the one submitted to him for the removal of Fielder Dam on Evans Creek. The dam was removed in early August.
As a public official, even an appointed one, he is required to disclose any and all information that could be construed as a Conflict of Interest – this is a veritable sport in Jackson and Josephine counties. In his RFP (Request for Proposal) for the position of Hearings Officer for JaxCo, he made the following statement –


We heartily disagree with that statement.  We know of many, many conflicts of interest that may interfere with his ability to be an effective Hearings Officer.
At a public hearing in opposition the the dam removal, called for by the family representative of the alleged owners of the land upon which Fielder Dam sat, Mr Rubenstein made a declaration before commencing proceedings. He stated –

With respect to my, uh, personal participation I would like to disclose I know two people who are involved in one way or another in this application. Brian Barr, who is the applicant is a gentleman I have met on two, perhaps three occasions. I would hardly say we have a close personal relationship, but he is somebody who I have met and had a conversation or two with, from time to time. And secondly, the second applicant, the Geos Institute has on its board Ken Margolis who is a personal friend, and, uh, uh, whom I have known for a number of years. I can assure everyone I have had no contact with either of these people with respect to this issue, I never will have contact with either of these people with respect to this issue. That, I believe, would be improper. I agree I would have to disclose it if I had. But I have not had contact, I will not have contact with them about this matter.”

That isn't really the whole story of Mr. Rubenstein's relationship with Geos Institute, Brian Barr or a very important person he omitted to mention, Bob Hunter from WaterWatch of Oregon. Mr. Hunter is the catalyst for many dam removals in recent years, including this one.

Upon being asked by Rod Crume, the representative of the alleged dam owners about his relationship with Bob Hunter, Mr. Rubenstein was outraged and stated –

Mr. Crume, I have made disclosures that are both required by law, and are honest and complete. Whatever contact I may have had with Mr. Hunter isn't relevant to this matter, because he is not a party to this matter. He is not the applicant, and does not appear on any of the filings. He may very well have participated in the work, uh, to remove this dam, but he is not a party, he's not an applicant. Now having said that, I will tell you, and I have no obligation to tell you – and you have failed in your decision, in your, uh, purpose in not offending me. I will tell you that I do know Mr. Hunter. Occasionally, perhaps four times. I am not a personal friend of his, and he, uh, this relationship bears absolutely no bearing on my decision.”

Mr. Rubenstein was visibly flustered by the question; this is obvious in his somewhat rambling choice of words. His statement, we believe, is entirely false. To say that Bob Hunter “isn't relevant” to the Fielder Dam removal project is preposterous. He is the heart and soul of the project, and was the applicant to procure grant funding from Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) in Phase 1 of the project.


So, just how far does Mr. Rubenstein's relationship with these radical enviro groups go?
Very far, indeed. Quite disturbingly far, actually.


Mr. Rubenstein is the current Secretary of the Southern Oregon Land Conservancy (SOLC) and has been a member of this group since 2008. The SOLC office is at 84 4th Street, Ashland - the same address as Geos Institute (a climate change alarmist corporation who rake in millions per year to brainwash the innocent and the ignorant.) Geos Institute owns the building according to Jackson County Assessor's Office records.


LINK : Jackson County Assessor's Office Property Data

NOTE: Right now, this address is not searchable – it won't come up no matter which permutation of the address we try. The only way it comes up now is to leave the street blank, type in 84 where it says HOUSE # and hit SEARCH. Click on page 3 of the results. You will see the evidence of the image above.


Mr. Rubenstein is the founder of several environmental groups, including but not limited to The Marin Agricultural Land Trust, and the Land Trust Exchange (now named the Land Trust Alliance with 1,700 chapters across the US.) He also founded the Environmental Law Society at the University of San Francisco. He has also been employed by enviro groups, the Land Conservancy and the California Coastal Conservancy. (Confirmation of all these can be found on his LinkedIn page.)


Bob Hunter of WaterWatch of Oregon (,) an overly-litigious and very aggressive environmentalist group operating in Oregon and California, is a thirty-plus year member of the SOLC and is a past board member (1980s.) Mr Hunter, along with Brian Barr of the Geos Institute, host nature hikes and birding trips (sometimes jointly,) for the SOLC.

IMAGE LINK - Bob Hunter Birding Outing for SOLC

IMAGE LINK - Bob Hunter & Brian Barr Birding Outing for SOLC
Mr. Hunter also received a conservation award from the SOLC in 2015 and attended the 30th anniversary of their first board meeting. Mr. Hunter donates money to the SOLC on a regular basis.

PDF LINK - Newsletter featuring both Bob Hunter Honored and Rogue River Preserve articles



SOLC currently runs a project called Rogue River Preserve. On the “steering committee” of this project are Mr. Rubenstein and Mr. Barr. Mr. Hunter is listed as an “adviser” to this committee.



In an attempt to obscure the close relationship between Brian Barr, the Geos Institute, and Donald Rubenstein and the SOLC, a false address was listed for the Geos Institute in the announcement for the public meeting regarding the Fielder Dam removal. This meeting was requested by Rodney Crume, representing the owners of the land on which the dam allegedly sat.

The address, 89 Alder St, Central Point is actually the address for the Jackson Soil & Water Conservation District, [JSWCD] [a branch of State Department of Agriculture,] and listed by Google as a County Government Office. This address also houses the USDA Farm Services Agency, Rural Development, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Also housed is the Rogue River Watershed Council, a Non-Profit organization of which Brian Barr is the Executive Director. This is not the address of the Geos Institute, which is, as stated above, 84 4th Street, Ashland. We believe this address was used in an attempt to willfully obscure the fact that Brian Barr's Geos Institute and Donald Rubenstein's SOLC reside in the same building. It should be noted that the 84 4th Street address is not an office building, but a converted, one-story house, owned by the Geos Institute.



NOTE : It should be noted that Geos Institute is the new name for the notorious radical enviro group, Headwaters, Inc, also formerly known as  NCCSP (National Center for Conservation Science & Policy.) The HISTORY of this group is truly detestable. These are some of the very people responsible for the destruction of our counties and our natural resources jobs. 

Those mentioned in this article are culpable in the poisoning of Evans Creek.

There is no excuse for the lack of EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) prior to removing the dam.

There is no excuse for threatening land owners with ruin should they not comply.

There is no excuse for illegally removing Wimer Dam BEFORE the permits were in place.

There is no excuse for creating the environmental disaster that has been deliberately thrust upon Evans Creek and its residents, both human and animal. 

WaterWatch, Geos Institute, Bob Hunter, Brian Barr and Donald Rubenstein – there is no excuse for what you have done, not in the name of ANYTHING or ANYONE, let alone fish.
What Would Jefferson Do? (Much thanks to WWJD? for sharing the FOIA info)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Got Arsenic? Fielder Dam Removal - UPDATE - Lab Test Results

Got arsenic?  You do now!

It gives us no pleasure whatsoever to be proven right on this and we regret we have to report some very troubling findings as this story develops.

The initial lab results are in for the testing of samples from the former site of Fielder Dam on Evans Creek, a major tributary of the Rogue River.

The dam, demolished in a joint project by WaterWatch of Oregon and Geos Institute and their partners in crime River Design Group, Staton Construction, and various government agencies are all liable for the poisoning of the creek which has just resulted from the removal.

The preliminary lab results are -

ALUMINUM : 17,065 ppm  [EPA recommended level 20 ppm]
ARSENIC : 21.1 ppm [EPA recommended level 7 ppb]
ALUMINUM, of which high levels in drinking water are indicated in Alzheimers and other cognitive impairment disorders, is recommended by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) not to exceed 20 parts per million.  The Fielder Dam sample tested at 17,605 parts per million.
ARSENIC, recommended by the EPA not to exceed 7 parts per BILLION, tested at 21.1 parts per MILLION!  That means the result was "three magnitudes higher" than recommended for safe levels, according to Eric Schaafsma, Technical Director of Grants Pass Water Laboratory.  That means 3000 times higher
3 THOUSAND TIMES HIGHER.  Let that sink in for a moment.
And that sample was just water, not sediment, where concentrations of heavy metals will be higher due to their weight.  And that was only on the day demolition work began.  At that time, only 2 feet of the dam had been removed.
There is 3/4 - 1 mile of sediment now sitting in the spot where Fielder Dam once stood.  We estimate the sediment is at least 15 feet deep, perhaps deeper. As yet, we do not know how badly contaminated the sediments are, but those sediments, over time, will be working their way down the Rouge River and end up in Josephine County and Grants Pass water supplies. 
Although Mr. Schaafsma didn't state the actual level of CHROMIUM tested, he said that he did not speciate, just tested entire Chromium level and it was "a concern."
People, this is serious.  That contaminated water may have already reached our water supply.  The even more contaminated sediments will follow over the course of months or years, depending on the water levels and flow in Evans Creek, presuming it will have water again at some point.
Mr. Schaafsma also reported that after the entire demolition was completed, the water at the former dam site was red and a "sheen."  This tested as iron bacteria.  The red color of the remaining water was caused by a huge release of iron build up behind the dam.  He also reported traces of radioactive uranium.
They did this to improve 'salmon habitat.' What about our habitat?  What about our rights to exist? Do WaterWatch and Geos Institute - the people responsible for this disaster - despise people so much that they wish us harm?  Do they care so much about fish that they are willing to poison and sicken people, us, me, you, with deadly toxins?  It should be noted that all the dams that have been removed and are DOWNSTREAM of where most of these self-righteous fish worshipers live - Ashland.
Please watch the entire video below to hear Mr. Schaafsma's worrying account of his test results, as given to the Josephine County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, 27th August, 2015.
Sources :
Jo Co Commissioners Meeting Video by Dale Matthews,
(Mr. Schaafsma's comments and the lab results were transcribed from this video.)
Sample Testing from Fielder Dam : Grants Pass Water Laboratory

Monday, August 24, 2015

Fielder Dam Removal : Did Waterwatch Just Cause an Environmental Disaster on Evans Creek?

 "...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
                                                                            - Galatians 6:7
Local 'clean water' advocates, (oh, the irony,) Waterwatch of Oregon, Inc, have just caused what may be an ecological disaster on Evans Creek, a major tributary of the Rogue River in Southern Oregon.

In the following video clips, shot at the location where Fielder Dam stood until last week, you will see that the creek is now almost completely dry, filled with tons of sediment piles, and what little water remains is filled with what is more than likely toxic run-off from upstream. Samples have been taken and will be analyzed directly.

CLICK HERE to see all 7 short clips from the Waterwatch / Geos Institute Fielder Dam removal site.

If one compares these clips with the recent catastrophe in Colorado caused by the EPA, (Environmental Protection Agency, an inaptly named oxymoronic agency if there ever was one,) you will see that the color of the run-off is identical and may be the same, or a similar substance.

The dam, one of two taken out in the last month – the other was Wimer Dam near by – had long been the target of local extremist environmental groups Waterwatch, and the Geos Institute. Bob Hunter, attorney for Waterwatch, and Brian Barr of Geos Institute, the applicant for the removal of the dam, have both been at the forefront of this project for five years. These are the men responsible for whatever has been released into the watershed. Once it has been confirmed what the toxic run-off actually is, these men will be brought to justice for their ecological crime.

When a dam is removed – or any structure which has accumulated sediment behind it in a waterway – an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement,) is required before some of the permits are granted. No EIS was done, as far as we can tell. Wimer Dam was taken our without all the required permits in place. 
The preliminary sediment studies done were a joke. If you really want to find out if there are heavy metals, like mercury, hexavalent chromium, cadmium, etc, they are heavy, they sink – you have to dig deep, way down to the bedrock where these substances will settle. If you don't want to find them, take sediment samples off the top or a few inches down and you will find what River Design Group found – nothing. Which, we must assume, is just what they wanted to find. River Design Group were contracted to oversee the permit process, sample testing and the logistics of the dam removal.

Also currently under investigation are KS Wild and the ubiquitous Waterwatch, the main advocates for the removal of the Savage Rapids Dam, the Gold Ray Dam, and the Gold Hill Diversion Dam in 2009 and 2010, and the subsequent probable poisoning of Grants Pass City water. Stay tuned. 

Check out this video from a public meeting regarding the removal of dams on the Klamath River. The meeting, from 2013, was attended by Waterwatch Project Manager, the smirking, superior Jim McCarthy.  Also present was local activist Alan Ehr, who is EPA credentialed, and has been trying for years to get the authorities to listen to him about the toxicity potential of dam removal, and about the possible cancer cluster in Grants Pass from the removal of Savage Rapids and Gold Ray dams.


Enviros, cohorts, co-conspirators, hear this – your time of running rampant in our region with impunity is over. A day of reckoning is coming and all of you who have been involved in poisoning our water and killing our children will be brought to justice – by using the laws, regulations and legislation YOU crafted and lobbied for to bludgeon us all with.
We, the people...are really pissed.

Monday, July 27, 2015

California Water Wars : Millions Wasted on Worthless Fish. Jobs, Businesses Destroyed

In the 1960s the Vintners of Napa Valley teamed up with the burgeoning population of radical environmentalists in an attempt to prevent the urbanization of their valley. Back then, the number of wineries was much fewer than it is today, and the vineyards were considerable smaller. Of course, that was the biggest mistake the wine-makers made – getting into bed with the Che Guevara t-shirt-wearing unwashed ones.

But in just a few short years, the enviros turned against their vino-making buddies, accusing them of causing soil erosion and run-off pollution of the waterways.

Today, the environmental extremist contingent are attempting to destroy vineyards, farms, and anybody else who dares to use water, in order to save a completely useless, unimportant, short-lived, almost extinct little tiddler of a fish called the Delta Smelt. It is, of course, listed under the ubiquitous Endangered Species Act. (There are several other useless fish species involved also, naturally, including the Lamprey – a hideous giant worm with teeth which NEEDS to be extinct, in my opinion!)
Delta Smelt
During their March, 2015 survey, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife found only a single Delta Smelt.

To put this in perspective, the water system where the Delta Smelt live – the Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley River Delta – provides water for 20 million people. Vineyards and farms are having their essential water supplies diverted from them in order to service the fish.

Harry Cline of the Farm Press Blog lamented that the state and federal water projects (such as the campaign to save the Delta Smelt,) had wasted 800,000 acre-feet of water in 2013. “That is enough to produce crops on 200,000 acres, or 10 million tons of tomatoes, 200,000 million boxes of lettuce, 20 million tons of grapes.”

And sustain ONE USELESS FISH, apparently.

Now, fearing their extinction, UC Davis has started a fish breeding program at a US Fish & Wildlife Service hatchery near the Shasta Dam in Northern California.
Here at this state-of-the-art facility, the spoiled brat small-fry has temperature-controlled water which is specially filtered and sanitized for them, and is fed six times a day with specially made feed. The population is thriving in captivity. The fish eggs are even artificially inseminated and DNA sequencing is carried out to ensure gene pool diversity. Fish Eugenics!

This little fishy harem costs the taxpayer $2.5 MILLION a year.

All this for a fish that makes absolutely no contribution to the Enviros' precious eco-system. And the whole thing is futile – the captivity-raised Smelt will be even bigger pansies, even less-able to survive than their wild counterparts. This is truly a ridiculous, frivolous, waste of money.

In Sonoma County the vineyards are now being branded as the villains of the piece for using water to mist their vines in the winter, thus protecting them from frost damage. The Enviro contingent insist that this is a fish-killing action that sucks rivers and creeks dry.

But ask Eric Stadnik, owner of Green Pastures Valley and he will tell you like it is – “The small farmer is the endangered species here.” He is living in fear of bankruptcy, afraid he will lose his crops, or worse, his entire livelihood.

Let this serve as a warning to EVERYBODY who is supporting one enviro group or another – they WILL turn against you once they're done using you to further their agenda. They've done it to the vineyards, they've done it to the farmers, they're even aggressing against their long-time co-conspirators, the sport-fishermen.

They were warned, but they took no heed. And we really hate to say told you so.

The best thing you can do for yourself and your own prosperity is make sure you know WHO, exactly, you are collaborating with, or donating your hard-earned cash to. Check them out first, look into where they take money from, know who is behind the benignly-named foundations and trusts they suck funding from.

You might just be paying them to stab you in the back.

California Drought : Delta Smelt Survey Finds a Single Fish, Heightening Debate Over Water Supply by Lisa M. Krieger [2015]

Wine Vs. Salmon : Water Wars Hit Sonoma County by Jacoba Charles [2011]

Delta Smelt Photograph by Peter Johnson [US Fish & Wildlife Service]

Thirsty in California – Cartoon by A.F. Branco

Congress Created Dust Bowl Photograph

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Adolf Hitler - Father of Environmentalism

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” – [probable misquote popularly attributed to] Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Party's Propaganda Minister.

[If you are skeptical about so called 'global warming' or if you are against radical extremist environmentalism, one is often called a 'right-winger.' So, let me just say, so there is no contention about it, to be 'right-wing,' one would have to be ignorant enough to believe in the false paradigm of the two-party system. Make no mistake - the puppet on the left is bought and paid for by the same group of people who pull the strings of the puppet on the right.]

For me, the subject of radical environmentalism is not political, not in the sense of left or right. It transcends the political and crosses over into the realms of religious dogma. It is a wolf in sheep's clothing that is eroding our freedom and our private lives, across class, status, tax brackets, geography and other demographic identifiers.

This is, of course, in reference to the the low-level, on-the-ground activists, say, the local chapter of Owls R US whose spokesperson tells us all how horrible we are and we should give up our land and water rights for birds and fish and slugs. These people are what is commonly know among the Powers That Be as Useful Idiots. Think of them as the Green Gestapo of the enviro movement. In a hot war they would be deemed cannon fodder military Top Brass.

But the Environmental movement is indeed political at its heart. The sting-pullers of the entire hoax are a political elite who want to control everything, down to where you can live and what you eat. The common or garden radical enviro does not know they are a disposable pawn in a global chess game. They have absolutely no idea. Like I said, idiots, but somewhat useful.

Radical environmentalism is a religion. It is a cult. Its doctrine is rooted in the philosophy of the German National Socialist Party, commonly known as the Nazis. Hitler was a vegetarian who passed laws on animal rights and had his military planting trees to save the forests, whilst simultaneously exterminating millions of human beings, and conducting barbarous medical experiments on others.

Although Hitler and his Nazi Party didn't introduce environmentalism to Germany – it was a long-standing, deep-rooted reaction, Europe-wide, to the Industrial Revolution – they did turn it into the dangerous extremist cult that it is today. They did value trees and fish and animals over human lives. They had the same phobic stances on hydro-electric dams across the Rhine as our own, home-grown environmental terrorists do.

Terrorists? Strong word. Is it warranted?

What else would you call a group of people who threaten property owners with seizure of their land, their home, and legal action if they do not consent to the removal of a dam (to help some fishies,) that extends into their property?

Like I said, terrorists.

Today, Hitler would be proud of the destruction to our human existence that radical environmentalist groups are wreaking upon the population of southern Oregon and elsewhere. From the eradication of our Natural Resources jobs, state-wide, to the removal of dams which have allowed a slew of toxic chemicals entry to our drinking water which may already be linked to cancer clusters, and the incremental encroachment on private property and property rights in the name of endangered species habitats.

But it is not just Oregon they are attempting to destroy. It's the whole of the United States. The whole world. If you don't know what Agenda 21 is, Google it. This is the directive that all extremist enviros are following, the same doctrine that our own domestic agencies like BLM (the Bureau of Land Management) are ascribing to.

Just in case you thing Agenda 21 is a conspiracy theory, it's not.

It's really not.

It's conspiracy FACT.

Buzz-phrases like sustainable development, wildlands projects, and global biodiversity will pepper the literature produced by rogue government agencies and radical enviros alike. BLM, for instance, are openly following UN directives (which Agenda 21 is,) and completely flouting federal law on a massive scale. In fact, their lawlessness is tantamount to sedition. They are seizing private property from US citizens, all in the name of fish, trees and owls and global biodiversity, wildlands projects, and sustainable development. Our jobs (especially in the area of natural resources,) are being eradicated via endless lawsuits being brought against a hardly-objecting, envirocentric BLM and other agencies.

Land …cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.” – UN's Habitat I, the first United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, Canada, 1976.

This is what the average so-called 'environmentalist' believes. This is what the real agenda is. So, to be clear, YOU working hard for a living to buy yourself and your family a nice home to grow up and grow older in is SOCIALLY UNJUST. Unless, of course, you are the chairman of an enviro group on $65,000 a year who begs money from huge conglomerate corporations, and have a Redwood deck that cost thousands of dollars whilst taking the jobs of loggers all over the region. (Yes, YOU, George Sexton from KS Wild.)

This level of hypocrisy is rife within the so-called environmentalism movement. Another example would be the enviro parasite group the Sierra Fund currently dredging the rivers to remove toxins. I suppose they throw the gold back in the river, do they? No, they don't, funnily enough – they MARKET it and SELL it under the moniker E3 Gold Initiative. These are the insurgents currently trying to destroy all small-scale mining – but not mining for the conglomerates corporations, of course, and not for themselves. A truly disgusting and diabolical group of shysters, in my humble opinion, with the integrity, human decency and warmth of a festering dead fish.

These enviro groups preach to us about saving the trees and fish whilst taking money from the likes of the Weeden Foundation who have funded white-supremacist groups, Eugenics research, and the baby killers at Planned Parenthood. They proselytize, urging us to convert to their religion and worship the pristine waterways they claim to protect, whilst making sure that the rivers are actually deadly cesspools, for the fish as well as us. The removal of the Savage Rapids and Gold Ray dams killed thousands of fish. Skin-crawlingly embarrassing hypocrisy that would be comical – if it wasn't for the death and destruction that is coming our way because of what they have done.

All of this nonsense is tied up with the controlled, so-called feminist movement, liberalism, socialism, and the rabid yelling of “that's racist!” at anybody who dares to disagree with somebody who is of a different ethnicity. All of these things are inextricably linked to the other. They are all designed to undermine our family ties, our rights, our possessions, and our very minds. They attempt to make us fear saying ANYTHING to ANYONE, in case we offend somebody.

So, what does that all have to do with Nazis?

Social control.

It's all about control. Control of everything. Control of everyone. Control of your life. Control of your mind, your thoughts, your very existence. Control of you, your children. Hitler's utopia.

There is a very sinister and dark undercurrent that flows beneath the surface of the environmental movement. It is a movement driven by hate, populated by people who despise everybody, and none more than themselves, and who are hell-bent on the destruction of life as we know it.

They want a personal apocalypse for each and every one of us. They want to tell us that we can't go down that road in the woods with an ATV because a rare slug lives there.

They want to take private property from us because a family of Northern Spotted Owls was discovered on the land.

They want small-scale mining and Mom & Pop logging outfits eliminated from the face of the earth, so that the sources of their funding – corporate mining and logging companies, and other global-corps like Exxon and Monsanto, and the foundations who invest in them, can get richer and richer, rape the land, kill the fish, extinct the owls and clear-cut all the trees, while the rest of us should just go off and die quietly and leave them to carry out their anti-humanist agenda.

They want us to drink water which is now filled with deadly toxins because they removed our dams without doing an Environmental Impact Study. They (the City Council and the Enviros,) were told by an expert, a man who is former EPA (Environmental Protection Agency,) what would happen if those poisons were released down the river by removing the dams without first excavating the toxic sediment. They knew. They knew. And now it's happening.

Monsters. This is what they are. These are the things they are doing to us. Anybody who puts an owl habitat above jobs and people making a living to feed their kids just simply not right. They gouge the agencies with their Sue & Settle tactics, collectively making millions of dollars each year whilst jobs disappear, water is tainted, and farms turn into deserts because they've had their water rights taken from them to save the salmon.

There will be a holocaust in America, one where tens of millions will ultimately die – not by the hand of a political dictator, but by the hand of the Green Reich rising, the so-called Environmental movement who are carrying out human sacrifices to save trees, fish and owls.

RIP USA. We loved you.

Nazi “Ecology”

Eco-Nazi Pt. 3 - Agenda 21, Travel Management and Local Implementation by Todd Stevens

Sierra Fund, the Definition of Hypocrisy

UN Agenda 21 – Sustainable Development

E3 Gold Initiative

You Tube – Waterwatch Lies – No Hexavalent Chromium?

Joseph Goebbels Quote

Original Tombstone Photograph

Original Northern Spotted Owl Photograph